PSP homebrew – LuaPlayer Euphoria v5
Homebrew developer Zack has released a new update for LuaPlayer Euphoria, a faster Luaplayer based on LuaPlayer v0.20 by Shine. The latest release now supports Ogg playback and has further increased the speed of the excellent homebrew player.
Download: LuaPlayer Euphoria v5
Visit: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forums
Homebrew developer Zack has released a new update for LuaPlayer Euphoria, a faster Luaplayer based on LuaPlayer v0.20 by Shine. The latest release now supports Ogg playback and has further increased the speed of the excellent homebrew player.
New Features:
System.dialogue(STRING, OPTIONS) – Brings up the Sony Message Dialogue window, with your text.
System.about() — Shows the LuaPlayer Euphoria version, credits and info (using Sony message dialogue system)
Ogg support/playback
-## OGG Functions
Ogg.init() — Initialize the Ogg System.
Ogg.load(filename) — Load a Ogg. — Play a Ogg.
Ogg.stop() — Stop a Ogg.
Ogg.pause() — Pause a Ogg.
Ogg.kill() — Stop and Free a Ogg. — Free a Ogg.
Ogg.endOfStream() — Get the end of a Ogg (ie . if Ogg.endOfStream == 1 then).
Ogg.getTime(string) — Retrieve the current play time position of the Ogg.
Uses IntraFont By BenHur.
Speedups : about 8>10fps
Download: LuaPlayer Euphoria v5
Visit: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forums
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