Puzzle Pirates: 2 Million Registered Pirates and Counting

puzzle piratesThree Rings Design Inc. has announced that the number of gamers registered to play its popular online game Puzzle Pirates has exceeded two million. In the world of online gaming, it’s quite difficult to lure gamers away from wildly popular RPGs like World of Warcraft and Guild Wars. But in the exciting online world of Puzzle Pirates, it’s just too easy to get hooked. The game tests your skills in building blocks of color and shattering them with matching breaker pieces sending an onslaught of silver swords slashing through your opponent’s board. Simple and fun!

But you can’t chalk the figures up to just the game itself, no matter how great it is; its increase in popularity is also due to the shift from subscription pricing to a “free-to-play” model. The shift allows players to purchase micro-currency which can be used to get in-game upgrades and additional content – a surefire way to keep you swashbuckling for hours on end.

puzzle piratesThree Rings Design Inc. has announced that the number of gamers registered to play its popular online game Puzzle Pirates has exceeded two million. In the world of online gaming, it’s quite difficult to lure gamers away from wildly popular RPGs like World of Warcraft and Guild Wars. But in the exciting online world of Puzzle Pirates, it’s just too easy to get hooked. The game tests your skills in building blocks of color and shattering them with matching breaker pieces sending an onslaught of silver swords slashing through your opponent’s board. Simple and fun!

But you can’t chalk the figures up to just the game itself, no matter how great it is; its increase in popularity is also due to the shift from subscription pricing to a “free-to-play” model. The shift allows players to purchase micro-currency which can be used to get in-game upgrades and additional content – a surefire way to keep you swashbuckling for hours on end.

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