Rapture for cheap: PS3 Bioshock selling at US$ 27.99 at Costco

Bioshock - Image 1If you’re a PlayStation 3 owner and you haven’t gotten BioShock yet, now might just be the right time. Costco is selling PS3 copies of BioShock at US$ 27.99 a pop (plus a US$ 3 shipping and handling fee).

Bioshock for the PlayStation 3 - Image 1If you’re a PlayStation 3 owner and you haven’t gotten BioShock yet, now might just be the right time. Costco is selling PS3 copies of BioShock at US$ 27.99 a pop (plus a US$ 3 shipping and handling fee).

I realize this is a bit of kick to the shins of people who got the game when it was released in October for US$ 59.99 but oh well…

If you haven’t heard of Bioshock yet, then you’ve probably been living in a cave somewhere. In the off chance that you *have* been living in a cave (Osama is that you?), here’s the basic need to know:

This shooter is set in an steampunk-ish underwater dystopian city called Rapture, sometime in the 1960s. You can genetically modify your character to sport certain abilities (like shooting lighting/fire/etc) and you use these abilities to survive various crazy mutant people and angry steam-driven robots. There are multiple endings based on how nice or mean you were during the game.

The story is *compelling* and the gameplay is near-flawless. This is not something you want to miss if you’re even vaguely interested in the genre.

The PS3 version makes up for its late release by featuring a lot of downloadable content and a harder game difficulty setting.

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Via Costco

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