Rev up with the latest GT Pro Series gameplay video

GT Pro Series

Car racing enthusiasts probably can’t wait for Ubisoft‘s GT Pro Series‘ release. Why, you ask? It’s because this game’s supposed to feature adrenaline-pumping gameplay, cartloads of cars, and cel-shaded style graphics to boot.

This game’s based on MTO’s GT Series, but is given a Wii-makeover. According to GT Pro Series‘ associate producer, Tats Myoio, “The goal is to take full advantage of the distinctive Wii controller, and to make the gameplay more fun and immersive for the gamer.”

Also, this Wii game is the first to have a non-Nintendo peripheral, the steering wheel. Now you’re probably asking how exactly is this a Wii game, if it will make use of a non-Nintendo “controller”.  The way we understand it, you prop the Wiimote in the steering wheel. Supposedly, the Wiimote will fit snugly in the peripheral, so you still gain full access to the buttons. Confused? To get a better idea on how it looks like, you can check out the gameplay video we have for you.

Download: [GT Pro Series gameplay video]

GT Pro Series

Car racing enthusiasts probably can’t wait for Ubisoft‘s GT Pro Series‘ release. Why, you ask? It’s because this game’s supposed to feature adrenaline-pumping gameplay, cartloads of cars, and cel-shaded style graphics to boot.

This game’s based on MTO’s GT Series, but is given a Wii-makeover. According to GT Pro Series‘ associate producer, Tats Myoio, “The goal is to take full advantage of the distinctive Wii controller, and to make the gameplay more fun and immersive for the gamer.”

Also, this Wii game is the first to have a non-Nintendo peripheral, the steering wheel. Now you’re probably asking how exactly is this a Wii game, if it will make use of a non-Nintendo “controller”.  The way we understand it, you prop the Wiimote in the steering wheel. Supposedly, the Wiimote will fit snugly in the peripheral, so you still gain full access to the buttons. Confused? To get a better idea on how it looks like, you can check out the gameplay video we have for you.

Download: [GT Pro Series gameplay video]

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