Should Raiding Gear be equal to Arena Gear in World of Warcraft?

Should Raiding gear be equal to Arena Gear in World of Warcraft? - Image 1 

Another old argument has been rekindled among the World of Warcraft community –  which should get better epic gear, raiding or arena matches? Those participating in the discussion have taken a stand with each side saying that the other has it easier, and that they will be getting the shaft if you equalize the rewards.

Each side feels this way since they believe that “the other group just pushes buttons and don’t need any skill, so they should get suckier stuff.” To be honest, both arena matches and raiding require considerable skill on the part of the players, it depends on your playing style. Blizzard Poster/ Forum Moderator Drysc said it best in his relatively long post regarding this.

I get the irony being portrayed in this post versus the other one, and I have to admit I also take some small pleasure in seeing these accusations thrown around, because… they’re ridiculous. If you’re in the arena, and raiding is so much easier, then go raid. If you’re a raider, and the arena is so much easier, then go do arenas.

You’re not actually concerned that someone else is getting something easier than you, because you would go do it and wouldn’t look back. You’re either unable or unwilling to switch to what you perceive is the easier route, and want what you’re invested in or willing to do made easier based on what you perceive matches the effort invested in the other.

It goes either way, posts pop up with both viewpoints. Arenas are so easy, you just sleep your way to epics, or raiding is so easy, you just sleep your way to epics. If it’s all just so easy then why don’t you take the easier route? The grass is always greener.

While some may complain about having threads like this popping up, it’s always fun to just drop in and give your opinion on the matter. However, it stops being fun when some players just automatically dismiss the other group as wrong. In a community, issues such as this can actually be used to foster a working knowledge of the system instead of degenerating into a playground argument. Too bad that’s more the exception than the rule these days.

Via WoW Forums

Should Raiding gear be equal to Arena Gear in World of Warcraft? - Image 1 

Another old argument has been rekindled among the World of Warcraft community –  which should get better epic gear, raiding or arena matches? Those participating in the discussion have taken a stand with each side saying that the other has it easier, and that they will be getting the shaft if you equalize the rewards.

Each side feels this way since they believe that “the other group just pushes buttons and don’t need any skill, so they should get suckier stuff.” To be honest, both arena matches and raiding require considerable skill on the part of the players, it depends on your playing style. Blizzard Poster/ Forum Moderator Drysc said it best in his relatively long post regarding this.

I get the irony being portrayed in this post versus the other one, and I have to admit I also take some small pleasure in seeing these accusations thrown around, because… they’re ridiculous. If you’re in the arena, and raiding is so much easier, then go raid. If you’re a raider, and the arena is so much easier, then go do arenas.

You’re not actually concerned that someone else is getting something easier than you, because you would go do it and wouldn’t look back. You’re either unable or unwilling to switch to what you perceive is the easier route, and want what you’re invested in or willing to do made easier based on what you perceive matches the effort invested in the other.

It goes either way, posts pop up with both viewpoints. Arenas are so easy, you just sleep your way to epics, or raiding is so easy, you just sleep your way to epics. If it’s all just so easy then why don’t you take the easier route? The grass is always greener.

While some may complain about having threads like this popping up, it’s always fun to just drop in and give your opinion on the matter. However, it stops being fun when some players just automatically dismiss the other group as wrong. In a community, issues such as this can actually be used to foster a working knowledge of the system instead of degenerating into a playground argument. Too bad that’s more the exception than the rule these days.

Via WoW Forums

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