Sony Blu-Ray Advert

A lot talk is going on about the Blu-Ray and its viability as a new medium. Despite detractors saying that Sony is once again putting all of its eggs in one basket, it’s nice to see that Sony is making a decent push for the medium.

Below is a “high concept” advert for the Blu-Ray that Sony has released. It starts out slow, following a guy walking into what looks like an antique shop. Nothing much happens really, the camera just focuses on really old stuff. It then transitions into an AVP like presentation of the advantages of Blu-Ray. Nothing you haven’t already heard about the Blu-Ray. Play the video to see for yourself.

They really are pushing the “DVD is antiquated, The Blu-Ray is the future” angle of theirs, aren’t they? Will the format fly? Only the consumers will decide.

A lot talk is going on about the Blu-Ray and its viability as a new medium. Despite detractors saying that Sony is once again putting all of its eggs in one basket, it’s nice to see that Sony is making a decent push for the medium.

Below is a “high concept” advert for the Blu-Ray that Sony has released. It starts out slow, following a guy walking into what looks like an antique shop. Nothing much happens really, the camera just focuses on really old stuff. It then transitions into an AVP like presentation of the advantages of Blu-Ray. Nothing you haven’t already heard about the Blu-Ray. Play the video to see for yourself.

They really are pushing the “DVD is antiquated, The Blu-Ray is the future” angle of theirs, aren’t they? Will the format fly? Only the consumers will decide.

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