There will be lots of blood in Splatterhouse, but no sex

spaltterhouse_thumbMore than the blood and the gore, what else could there be for you to expect in the upcoming Splatterhouse remake? Producer Dan Tovar answers that question in an interview with Joystiq over Comic Con last week.




splatterhouse-xbox360More than the blood and the gore, what else could there be for you to expect in the upcoming Splatterhouse remake? Producer Dan Tovar answers that question in an interview with Joystiq over Comic Con last week.


Of course, gore is still the game’s main business. “We anticipate a certain amount of that, but the game is called Splatterhouse. It evokes a very particular expectation, and you can’t have Splatterhouse without the amount of wetness and blood that we do. There are definitely some of the splatter kills that we had that we didn’t think were brutal enough. You want that impact — at the con, you see a lot of people when they get into the splatter kills, they’re like ‘Oooh damn, look at that,’ which is what we’re targeting.”


Okay, okay. So there will still be a lot of gore. But what about other more… controversial elements? “We try to stay away from any kind of sexually-themed stuff,” is Tovars response, in case that’s the question you’re thinking in you head.


They do have homages, though. I mean, if you’re gonna take out something, you gotta at least beef it up with a replacement, right? “We’re not trying to re-invent the wheel, so you can pick it up and play it and it feels very at home if you play a lot of action games. But we wanted to do a whole 3D action, balls-out, let’s do it – let’s do it big and do it right.


This Autumn, you will get that chance to get that gore right on your PS3 and Xbox 360 with Splatterhouse.







Via [Joystiq]


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