Starcraft 2 rumor not rumor after all

StarCraft 2 rumor isn't a rumor after all! - Image 1 

Yep folks, it’s hard to believe, but it looks like StarCraft, Diablo Series”>Blizzard (or part of Blizzard) is actually gearing up to make the big announcement on the world’s highly-awaited and highly-anticipated real time strategy game StarCraft 2on May 19, 2007. That’s right folks! There’s less than a month left before Blizzard Korea spills all the beans on the latest installment to the StarCraft series.

Remember our last coverage of the StarCraft 2 rumor? Well, this report so happens to be grabbing from that same report from Korea, only this time it’s properly translated. Blizzard Entertainment Korea is planning to reveal VODs (Videos on Demand), game content and even cater to public and media questions at Blizzard’s World Wide Invitational in Seoul, Korea on the aforementioned date.

Blizzard has already invited over 100 international media parties and plans to use the Seoul Olympic Gymnastics Stadium and Fencing Stadium for the WWI. StarCraft 2‘s main developers are confirmed to make a showing at the event, and other details of StarCraft 2 aside from the new 3D engine, a new race and new unit abilities, will be made known only at the event.

But probably the worst of the news is that Blizzard will continue to keep their mouths shut on the title and event, with Blizzard Korea knowing every intricate detail that should be revealed in the exclusive event. It’s practically safe to say that Blizzard will neither deny nor confirm the event or details until the big day.

This news has come straight from leaked announcements from former Blizzard staff in Korea, and they’re already confirmed as reliable from the local media source. Blizzard president Mike Morhaime, PC World’s top four Most Influential People on the Web, did say that in the WWI in May, “there will be a surprise announcement” back in February 28, and this new revelation definitely fits right into that fact.

But what about the E-sports bit? Well, that part is also true. The big ruckus in Korea flashed right through Korea’s two biggest StarCraft leagues, MBC Game and OnGameNet, who both have clamored the media that the rumors were actually plausible. They were most especially worried that the game would cause their league to dwindle if they can’t adapt their broadcast systems for the new title fast enough.

So yes, StarCraft 2 hopefuls, the rumor seems to no longer be just a rumor. 2008 will no longer be a bout between Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars and Supreme Commander, but a three-way battle for the biggest RTS titans in gaming history.

Via This Is Game Korea

StarCraft 2 rumor isn't a rumor after all! - Image 1 

Yep folks, it’s hard to believe, but it looks like StarCraft, Diablo Series”>Blizzard (or part of Blizzard) is actually gearing up to make the big announcement on the world’s highly-awaited and highly-anticipated real time strategy game StarCraft 2on May 19, 2007. That’s right folks! There’s less than a month left before Blizzard Korea spills all the beans on the latest installment to the StarCraft series.

Remember our last coverage of the StarCraft 2 rumor? Well, this report so happens to be grabbing from that same report from Korea, only this time it’s properly translated. Blizzard Entertainment Korea is planning to reveal VODs (Videos on Demand), game content and even cater to public and media questions at Blizzard’s World Wide Invitational in Seoul, Korea on the aforementioned date.

Blizzard has already invited over 100 international media parties and plans to use the Seoul Olympic Gymnastics Stadium and Fencing Stadium for the WWI. StarCraft 2‘s main developers are confirmed to make a showing at the event, and other details of StarCraft 2 aside from the new 3D engine, a new race and new unit abilities, will be made known only at the event.

But probably the worst of the news is that Blizzard will continue to keep their mouths shut on the title and event, with Blizzard Korea knowing every intricate detail that should be revealed in the exclusive event. It’s practically safe to say that Blizzard will neither deny nor confirm the event or details until the big day.

This news has come straight from leaked announcements from former Blizzard staff in Korea, and they’re already confirmed as reliable from the local media source. Blizzard president Mike Morhaime, PC World’s top four Most Influential People on the Web, did say that in the WWI in May, “there will be a surprise announcement” back in February 28, and this new revelation definitely fits right into that fact.

But what about the E-sports bit? Well, that part is also true. The big ruckus in Korea flashed right through Korea’s two biggest StarCraft leagues, MBC Game and OnGameNet, who both have clamored the media that the rumors were actually plausible. They were most especially worried that the game would cause their league to dwindle if they can’t adapt their broadcast systems for the new title fast enough.

So yes, StarCraft 2 hopefuls, the rumor seems to no longer be just a rumor. 2008 will no longer be a bout between Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars and Supreme Commander, but a three-way battle for the biggest RTS titans in gaming history.

Via This Is Game Korea

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