Stop or my car will shoot: Calling All Cars weapons

Ask yourself this: do ya feel lucky, punk? - Image 1As he promised in his blog last week, David Jaffe was able to show off Incognito’s Calling All Cars to 1UP for a looksee under the hood. They had a look at the three weapons which players must use to pop various running criminals from other vehicles – including, presumably, the opponent cars.

These are a short-ranged hammer, a medium-ranged magnet, and the long-ranged missile.

Easy to imagine how they would be used in the process of apprehending fleeing criminals and reading them their rights. You can hold one at a time, collecting them from “?” icons on the field.

The true weapon of Calling All Cars, from where we sit, is really the player’s car, no matter what the offensive device mounted on it. It’s not enough to simply run a perp to the ground – to score points, the true objective is to haul their collective butts into jail locations around the map. Some of them require a bit of stunt work to land in, but they award more points for each dumped convict. 1UP even mentions a roving helicopter and paddy wagon in which you can dump ’em in for even higher scores. There is a penalty for taking too long to deliver a criminal, though (uh-oh, what, they come with lawyers, too?).

Those who were saddened that split-screen wasn’t an out-of-the-box option for MotorStorm NTSC-NA/PAL-EU will be delighted to note that 1UP confirms that Calling All Cars will support four-way split-screen multiplayer as well as online. They even mentioned something about 60fps and 1080p “with four players” – on split-screen, it seems.

Ask yourself this: do ya feel lucky, punk? - Image 1As he promised in his blog last week, David Jaffe was able to show off Incognito’s Calling All Cars to 1UP for a looksee under the hood. They had a look at the three weapons which players must use to pop various running criminals from other vehicles – including, presumably, the opponent cars.

These are a short-ranged hammer, a medium-ranged magnet, and the long-ranged missile.

Easy to imagine how they would be used in the process of apprehending fleeing criminals and reading them their rights. You can hold one at a time, collecting them from “?” icons on the field.

The true weapon of Calling All Cars, from where we sit, is really the player’s car, no matter what the offensive device mounted on it. It’s not enough to simply run a perp to the ground – to score points, the true objective is to haul their collective butts into jail locations around the map. Some of them require a bit of stunt work to land in, but they award more points for each dumped convict. 1UP even mentions a roving helicopter and paddy wagon in which you can dump ’em in for even higher scores. There is a penalty for taking too long to deliver a criminal, though (uh-oh, what, they come with lawyers, too?).

Those who were saddened that split-screen wasn’t an out-of-the-box option for MotorStorm NTSC-NA/PAL-EU will be delighted to note that 1UP confirms that Calling All Cars will support four-way split-screen multiplayer as well as online. They even mentioned something about 60fps and 1080p “with four players” – on split-screen, it seems.

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