Tales of VS – Shing and Yuri in action
These two have been confirmed for Tales of VS for some time now. But now we’ve got two vids showing them as they bring the pain with their Artes. Note that these vids don’t up the character confirmation count, whatever list you may be basing your info on.
These two have been confirmed for Namco Bandai‘s Tales of VS for some time now. But now we’ve got two vids showing them as they bring the pain with their Artes. Note that these vids don’t up the character confirmation count, whatever list you may be basing your info on.
Yuri Lowell
Shing Meteorite
So as for now, the lists stands at 20 down, 15 to go. My bet, Senel Coolidge, isn’t on the list yet, so I’m still keeping a lookout for the slightest hints of the Demon-Fisting hero from Legendia.
More confirmations: