“Teh ultimateorz”: Druid Epic Flight Form

Let’s take a bit of a sidestep and have a couple of laughs. It doesn’t hurt to take a break from all the serious nerf issues plaguing your land of Azeroth. Let’s look at what Myndflame has to say about Druids, shall we? They gave it quite a humorous twist and came up with a rather interesting video.

What’s their take on it? Well, one of the highlights of the vid showcases the ultimate Druid Epic Flight Form. While everyone seems to be hoping for it to roll out on a future patch, guess they got first dibs on coverage. It’s got two plasma cannons, allows you to fly at neck-breaking speeds, and a Class Eliminator. Harhar.

Check out the vid below and see for yourself. Note: not for the faint of heart.

Let’s take a bit of a sidestep and have a couple of laughs. It doesn’t hurt to take a break from all the serious nerf issues plaguing your land of Azeroth. Let’s look at what Myndflame has to say about Druids, shall we? They gave it quite a humorous twist and came up with a rather interesting video.

What’s their take on it? Well, one of the highlights of the vid showcases the ultimate Druid Epic Flight Form. While everyone seems to be hoping for it to roll out on a future patch, guess they got first dibs on coverage. It’s got two plasma cannons, allows you to fly at neck-breaking speeds, and a Class Eliminator. Harhar.

Check out the vid below and see for yourself. Note: not for the faint of heart.

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