Ten years of Tibia

Old TibiaMaybe some of you are not aware or just too busy waiting for The Burning Crusade but MMO Tibia just celebrated its 10th anniversary. This is a very big news, especially to its loyal fan base, as time possibly is the most unforgiving test a game will undergo through. MMO games come and go but this CipSoft Team creation remained, evolving in step with the changing times.

When Tibia began back in 1997, when the MMORPG genre was still relatively new, it only had one game server. Instead of a world, it is more of a village in a lonely island. Given that, it was still quite hard to meet up with friends. To be able to know if someone was online, players needed to visit another website and check the “Who Is Online” list.

Quite interestingly, the first “settlers” of Tibia didn’t have the benefit of depots meaning they carry all their items all the time. When you think about it, this was precarious as you can easily be mugged and stripped of your belongings. In the sad event that your character will be killed, the results include loss of all belongings as well as experience points.

New TibiaThe Trade sector back then was also a dangerous aspect of the game. It wasn’t the intention but traders somehow develop a monopoly because of the thin population of Tibia. After players gave their money to traders, say for an armor or a sword, they had to keep their faith that the trader will keep their part of the bargain. The introduction of Safe Trade System indeed saved much money and, not to mention, lives.

Tibia has gone a long way indeed. And with the recent innovations like bank account and client patches every now and then, we can assure you that the game will continue to exist, evolve and endear.

Via Tibia

Old TibiaMaybe some of you are not aware or just too busy waiting for The Burning Crusade but MMO Tibia just celebrated its 10th anniversary. This is a very big news, especially to its loyal fan base, as time possibly is the most unforgiving test a game will undergo through. MMO games come and go but this CipSoft Team creation remained, evolving in step with the changing times.

When Tibia began back in 1997, when the MMORPG genre was still relatively new, it only had one game server. Instead of a world, it is more of a village in a lonely island. Given that, it was still quite hard to meet up with friends. To be able to know if someone was online, players needed to visit another website and check the “Who Is Online” list.

Quite interestingly, the first “settlers” of Tibia didn’t have the benefit of depots meaning they carry all their items all the time. When you think about it, this was precarious as you can easily be mugged and stripped of your belongings. In the sad event that your character will be killed, the results include loss of all belongings as well as experience points.

New TibiaThe Trade sector back then was also a dangerous aspect of the game. It wasn’t the intention but traders somehow develop a monopoly because of the thin population of Tibia. After players gave their money to traders, say for an armor or a sword, they had to keep their faith that the trader will keep their part of the bargain. The introduction of Safe Trade System indeed saved much money and, not to mention, lives.

Tibia has gone a long way indeed. And with the recent innovations like bank account and client patches every now and then, we can assure you that the game will continue to exist, evolve and endear.

Via Tibia

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