The betrayal of knowledge begets power: the Bane

A member of the Bane, or an unwilling slave to their xenophobia?

It is a common trait for any species who thinks and feels to carry a sense of betrayal with them. The Bane is the name you would give to the enemies in NCSoft‘s Tabula Rasa, but they themselves carry that same feeling of betrayal. In fact, the reason for the Bane’s subjugation of the many homeworlds of different races is because they have been betrayed.

Long before they became the Bane, they were once members of the Eloh, the alien race that offered to teach their knowledge and technological advances to different peoples around the universe. They were betrayed by the Thrax, however, using Eloh’s gift to wage war on the Eloh themselves.

Imagine the countless number of Elohim who died as a result of the betrayal, from lovers and families, mothers and daughters, and friends and brethren alike. Imagine surviving a war, only to find yourself alone as a result of gifts given too freely to strangers with less than noble intentions. Imagine the deaths of innumerable people as a result of your attempts to foster the growth of the universe’s inhabitants.

The Bane broke off from the Eloh because they carried that sense of betrayal with them, resenting their past actions, and wishing to keep their knowledge within their circle by controlling the planets and races that grew as a result of Eloh’s altruism. They’ve developed new technology to capture and destroy, and forced the inhabitants of other worlds to serve their purpose.

You may not like what they do, but you will have to face them in battle. You may hate the Bane, but these monsters who took your planets, who killed your families, and who made you suffer are doing it because they are afraid of being betrayed ever again.

A member of the Bane, or an unwilling slave to their xenophobia?

It is a common trait for any species who thinks and feels to carry a sense of betrayal with them. The Bane is the name you would give to the enemies in NCSoft‘s Tabula Rasa, but they themselves carry that same feeling of betrayal. In fact, the reason for the Bane’s subjugation of the many homeworlds of different races is because they have been betrayed.

Long before they became the Bane, they were once members of the Eloh, the alien race that offered to teach their knowledge and technological advances to different peoples around the universe. They were betrayed by the Thrax, however, using Eloh’s gift to wage war on the Eloh themselves.

Imagine the countless number of Elohim who died as a result of the betrayal, from lovers and families, mothers and daughters, and friends and brethren alike. Imagine surviving a war, only to find yourself alone as a result of gifts given too freely to strangers with less than noble intentions. Imagine the deaths of innumerable people as a result of your attempts to foster the growth of the universe’s inhabitants.

The Bane broke off from the Eloh because they carried that sense of betrayal with them, resenting their past actions, and wishing to keep their knowledge within their circle by controlling the planets and races that grew as a result of Eloh’s altruism. They’ve developed new technology to capture and destroy, and forced the inhabitants of other worlds to serve their purpose.

You may not like what they do, but you will have to face them in battle. You may hate the Bane, but these monsters who took your planets, who killed your families, and who made you suffer are doing it because they are afraid of being betrayed ever again.

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