Videos: Tabula Rasa trailer and gameplay
Some sweet-looking eye candy and frenetic third-person shooter action in this batch of NCsoft‘s Tabula Rasa videos. We’re here to get you up to speed on what’s to expect on this highly-anticipated sci-fi shooter MMO that has everybody talking.
The first video is pretty much a trailer that shows off the goods that Tabula Rasa has in store for players. The environments are rich and detailed, the characters impressive with their body armor and weaponry. But the main star of the video are the monsters. Really nasty-looking critters, those – but in a good way. Oh, and the explosions and weapon effects look flashy and do their job well.
The other videos are brief clips of gameplay, and it’s safe to say you’ll always be on your toes whenever you’re venturing out on your own – our player stumbling upon quite a good amount of ambushes that he luckily survives. And it seems that even though you’re outnumbered, you can easily use the surroundings to your advantage by taking cover behind obstacles and trees – a wise decision, as your enemies look to be packing some serious hardware.
Tabula Rasa‘s shaping up to be a solid title indeed. Enjoy the videos!
More videos after the jump!
Some sweet-looking eye candy and frenetic third-person shooter action in this batch of NCsoft‘s Tabula Rasa videos. We’re here to get you up to speed on what’s to expect on this highly-anticipated sci-fi shooter MMO that has everybody talking.
The first video is pretty much a trailer that shows off the goods that Tabula Rasa has in store for players. The environments are rich and detailed, the characters impressive with their body armor and weaponry. But the main star of the video are the monsters. Really nasty-looking critters, those – but in a good way. Oh, and the explosions and weapon effects look flashy and do their job well.
The other videos are brief clips of gameplay, and it’s safe to say you’ll always be on your toes whenever you’re venturing out on your own – our player stumbling upon quite a good amount of ambushes that he luckily survives. And it seems that even though you’re outnumbered, you can easily use the surroundings to your advantage by taking cover behind obstacles and trees – a wise decision, as your enemies look to be packing some serious hardware.
Tabula Rasa‘s shaping up to be a solid title indeed. Enjoy the videos!