Virtua Fighter 5: Leon vs. Jacky video

Virtua Fighter 5For better or for worse, a lot of us over here are suckers for cheesy kung-fu flicks. We’re talking about the sort where fighters attach their styles to some archaic animal symbol, or some long-winded school name. Shaq-fu Kung-Pao, anybody?

What we’ve got up here is a Virtua Fighter 5 gameplay video of Leon and Jacky. For the guys new to the world of martial arts, Leon’s using the Praying Mantis Fist, known for its high-speed precision attacks.

Jacky on the other hand is using Jeet-Kune-Do, which translates as the “Way of the Intercepting Fist.” It’s a mixed martial arts system developed by the late Master Bruce Lee in the 60s, and is also based on speed along and brutal combos.

And while that ends our short history lesson on martial arts, we’ll leave it up to you to see who wins this bout. Will it be Lion’s ancient Praying Mantis, or Jacky’s (relatively) modern Jeet-Kun-Do? Do remember to check out the other kung-fu face-offs here, like Hagakure-ryu Ju-Jutsu vs. Koen-Ken

Download [Lion vs. Jacky video]


Virtua Fighter 5For better or for worse, a lot of us over here are suckers for cheesy kung-fu flicks. We’re talking about the sort where fighters attach their styles to some archaic animal symbol, or some long-winded school name. Shaq-fu Kung-Pao, anybody?

What we’ve got up here is a Virtua Fighter 5 gameplay video of Leon and Jacky. For the guys new to the world of martial arts, Leon’s using the Praying Mantis Fist, known for its high-speed precision attacks.

Jacky on the other hand is using Jeet-Kune-Do, which translates as the “Way of the Intercepting Fist.” It’s a mixed martial arts system developed by the late Master Bruce Lee in the 60s, and is also based on speed along and brutal combos.

And while that ends our short history lesson on martial arts, we’ll leave it up to you to see who wins this bout. Will it be Lion’s ancient Praying Mantis, or Jacky’s (relatively) modern Jeet-Kun-Do? Do remember to check out the other kung-fu face-offs here, like Hagakure-ryu Ju-Jutsu vs. Koen-Ken

Download [Lion vs. Jacky video]


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