Wii comes to Batman

We know the title looks a bit weird. Maybe, you were hoping that it was some kind of a slip-up and what we actually meant was there’s a Batman game coming to the Wii. As much as we want that to happen, the title of this article is exactly that: Wii comes to Batman. Or more appropriately, a Wii advertisement finds its way to the latest issue of Batman comics.

Given the medium, it was a good strategy on Nintendo’s part to have the advertisement in the form of a story. The boy you see in the image is named the “Wii Lad.” He actually has superhuman powers and he unleashes them whenever he gets excited. Now, the pet cat is trying to take away the Wiimote from Wii Lad because it’s the source of his powers.

Oh well, it is actually done in good taste because it was separated from the plot of the current Batman issue. It would be an outrage, probably, if The Dark Knight himself is holding the Wiimote and uncharacteristically endorses it.

 Batman Wii ads - Image 2 Batman Wii ads - Image 1

Via Kotaku

We know the title looks a bit weird. Maybe, you were hoping that it was some kind of a slip-up and what we actually meant was there’s a Batman game coming to the Wii. As much as we want that to happen, the title of this article is exactly that: Wii comes to Batman. Or more appropriately, a Wii advertisement finds its way to the latest issue of Batman comics.

Given the medium, it was a good strategy on Nintendo’s part to have the advertisement in the form of a story. The boy you see in the image is named the “Wii Lad.” He actually has superhuman powers and he unleashes them whenever he gets excited. Now, the pet cat is trying to take away the Wiimote from Wii Lad because it’s the source of his powers.

Oh well, it is actually done in good taste because it was separated from the plot of the current Batman issue. It would be an outrage, probably, if The Dark Knight himself is holding the Wiimote and uncharacteristically endorses it.

 Batman Wii ads - Image 2 Batman Wii ads - Image 1

Via Kotaku

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