Wii homebrew – Balance Board Tools v0.2

Wii homebrew - Image 1Developed by Eli Sherer, the Wii homebrew app Balance Board Tools lets you use the Wii Balance Board to check your weight without having to boot up WiiFit all the time and going through the body test. Cool. It also lets you determine where your center of gravity is just by standing on the board.

Download: Balance Board Tools v0.2

Wii Balance Board Tools - Image 1Developed by Eli Sherer, the Wii homebrew app Balance Board Tools lets you use the Wii Balance Board to check your weight without having to boot up WiiFit all the time and going through the body test. Cool.

Apart from telling you how much you weigh, the dev has also added a feature that lets you determine where your center of gravity is just by standing on the board. The app can also be customized by going into the /images folder and messing around with the .png files there.

Here’s the changelog for Balance Board Tools v0.2:

  • Changed the buttons so they are text now and take less space on the SD card.
  • Fixed the cursor and the background position
  • Added an icon of the balance board on the main menu that becomes opaque on identification.

Download: Balance Board Tools v0.2

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Via WiiBrew

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