Wii homebrew – FCE Ultra GX v3.1.9
July 17, 2010
Another update from Wiibrew developer Tantric for you today as he releases a new version of his NES emulator for the Nintendo Wii based on FCEUX, FCE Ultra GX. The latest update fixes some issues from the previous build.
Download: FCE Ultra GX v3.1.9
Another update from Wiibrew developer Tantric for you today as he releases a new version of his NES emulator for the Nintendo Wii based on FCEUX, FCE Ultra GX. The latest update fixes some issues from the previous build.
- Fixed 16:9 correction in Original mode
- Fixed PAL/NTSC timing switching issue
- Ability to use both USB ports (requires updated IOS 202 – WARNING: older versions of IOS 202 are NO LONGER supported)
- Hide non-ROM files
- Other minor improvements
Big thanks to Joshua M. for the head’s up!
Download: FCE Ultra GX v3.1.9
Via [Wiibrew]