Will Legend of Kage ever make it to VC?

They've had it all this time?? No fair! - Image 1Over at GoNintendo, there are speculations flying back and forth as to whether Taito‘s classic Ninja game, The Legend of Kage, will ever be added to the American VC line-up. Yeah, Legend of Kage (aka. Kage no Densetsu). You know? The one that was released in 1986 for the Famicon NES? The one with the blue, red, and black shinobis, and those annoying blue and red fire-breathing yohbohs? The one where crystal balls grow on trees and getting them would give you an instant costume color change and make your shiruken bigger?

The one where the darn princess would get kidnapped AGAIN, while she was in your arms, right after you just rescued her for the nth time, and it everyone ended up wondering if she even actually WANTED to be rescued in the first place?

Yeah, that one.

The stream of theories has recently been sparked when someone pointed out that The Legend of Kage has already been available on the Japanese version of the Virtual Console. In fact, as we were able to check on the Japanese Nintendo site, it’s been available on that side of the world since December 19 last year, for 500 Wii Points.

Anyway, we’re sort of hoping that Nintendo of America would consider this title for their VC line up eventually, since it still is a fun game.

They've had it all this time?? No fair! - Image 1Over at GoNintendo, there are speculations flying back and forth as to whether Taito‘s classic Ninja game, The Legend of Kage, will ever be added to the American VC line-up. Yeah, Legend of Kage (aka. Kage no Densetsu). You know? The one that was released in 1986 for the Famicon NES? The one with the blue, red, and black shinobis, and those annoying blue and red fire-breathing yohbohs? The one where crystal balls grow on trees and getting them would give you an instant costume color change and make your shiruken bigger?

The one where the darn princess would get kidnapped AGAIN, while she was in your arms, right after you just rescued her for the nth time, and it everyone ended up wondering if she even actually WANTED to be rescued in the first place?

Yeah, that one.

The stream of theories has recently been sparked when someone pointed out that The Legend of Kage has already been available on the Japanese version of the Virtual Console. In fact, as we were able to check on the Japanese Nintendo site, it’s been available on that side of the world since December 19 last year, for 500 Wii Points.

Anyway, we’re sort of hoping that Nintendo of America would consider this title for their VC line up eventually, since it still is a fun game.

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