WoW PvE to be phased out? Not likely, says Blizzard

PvE to be phased out in World of Warcraft? Not going to happen. - Image 1Some PvE supporters in World of Warcraft are afraid that PvE will be neglected in favor of Arenas. Well, if you’re one of those players, you can relax because that’s not going to happen.

It’s understandable that this concern is going to arise one way or another considering all the attention PvP has been getting. To placate those who felt slighted by the situation, Blizzard‘s Nethaera addressed these concerns and gave Blizzard’s official stance on the issue:

We are going to continue to develop both PvP and PvE content. PvE isn’t being phased out for Arenas. These sorts of debates between PvP and PvE are inevitable given the nature of trying to balance two aspects of the game that some people feel conflict with each other.

Some people don’t care for PvP and some don’t care for PvE but the availability of both is still there for everyone. We try to cater gear for PvP or PvE as we feel is most beneficial as well. While there are some pieces of gear that people may find in PvE encounters that are viable for PvP, we don’t want to make it so that people that don’t wish to PvE don’t have to do it in order to be competitive.

We want to continue to make it beneficial for people to do what they enjoy (either PvP or PvE) in order to get the gear they want/need to continue enjoying themselves and being competitive.

PvE will not be going away any time soon. Raiding and adventuring will be still there for those who want to pursue that path. Still, it would be nice if some of the more hardcore PvE players would explore other possibilities and try the Arena every once in a while.

Via WoW Forums

PvE to be phased out in World of Warcraft? Not going to happen. - Image 1Some PvE supporters in World of Warcraft are afraid that PvE will be neglected in favor of Arenas. Well, if you’re one of those players, you can relax because that’s not going to happen.

It’s understandable that this concern is going to arise one way or another considering all the attention PvP has been getting. To placate those who felt slighted by the situation, Blizzard‘s Nethaera addressed these concerns and gave Blizzard’s official stance on the issue:

We are going to continue to develop both PvP and PvE content. PvE isn’t being phased out for Arenas. These sorts of debates between PvP and PvE are inevitable given the nature of trying to balance two aspects of the game that some people feel conflict with each other.

Some people don’t care for PvP and some don’t care for PvE but the availability of both is still there for everyone. We try to cater gear for PvP or PvE as we feel is most beneficial as well. While there are some pieces of gear that people may find in PvE encounters that are viable for PvP, we don’t want to make it so that people that don’t wish to PvE don’t have to do it in order to be competitive.

We want to continue to make it beneficial for people to do what they enjoy (either PvP or PvE) in order to get the gear they want/need to continue enjoying themselves and being competitive.

PvE will not be going away any time soon. Raiding and adventuring will be still there for those who want to pursue that path. Still, it would be nice if some of the more hardcore PvE players would explore other possibilities and try the Arena every once in a while.

Via WoW Forums

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