Black premium controller on its way?


Something juicy sure is up Microsoft‘s sleeves. According to Xboxic, there were certain subscribers of Xbox Live who received an e-mail earlier today, requesting for their participation in a survey. Now, while you would usually just go mindlessly checking items one after the other just to get it done, this particular survey caught the interest of the participants.

That’s because it’s a survey on how interested they would be in purchasing certain first party accessories and Live features. Included in the subjects-list was a web browser, a joystick (especially designed for XBLA games), a mini-keyboard for text messaging, which you can plug into your controller, and a black “premium” controller.

Anyway, what gets us exciting over this survey is that it usually means that the company is actually considering coming up with items like the ones described on the survey. They’d just need to know first how feasible and how marketable they would be.

The black “premium” controller, in particular, will supposedly include backlit A, B, X, Y buttons, rubber grips, a premium color, and slightly improved d-pad performance. If and when it does go into production, according to the survey, you just might be able to get it in the next 12 months for US$ 59 to US$ 69.

So, will you be up for it?

Via xboxic


Something juicy sure is up Microsoft‘s sleeves. According to Xboxic, there were certain subscribers of Xbox Live who received an e-mail earlier today, requesting for their participation in a survey. Now, while you would usually just go mindlessly checking items one after the other just to get it done, this particular survey caught the interest of the participants.

That’s because it’s a survey on how interested they would be in purchasing certain first party accessories and Live features. Included in the subjects-list was a web browser, a joystick (especially designed for XBLA games), a mini-keyboard for text messaging, which you can plug into your controller, and a black “premium” controller.

Anyway, what gets us exciting over this survey is that it usually means that the company is actually considering coming up with items like the ones described on the survey. They’d just need to know first how feasible and how marketable they would be.

The black “premium” controller, in particular, will supposedly include backlit A, B, X, Y buttons, rubber grips, a premium color, and slightly improved d-pad performance. If and when it does go into production, according to the survey, you just might be able to get it in the next 12 months for US$ 59 to US$ 69.

So, will you be up for it?

Via xboxic

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