A broken chord: Guitar Hero 2 can’t keep up?

Guitar Hero II

You might be asking, if PS2 games are compatible with its next-gen brother, does that mean other game-specific peripherals will work as well? IGN was able to crack this jawbreaker of an issue. They were able to test Dual Shock 2 controllers on the PS3 (via USB adapter), and they worked pretty fine. You’d just have to turn on the analog button when you plug it in. Despite missing the SIXAXIS‘ PlayStation button that brings up the XMB, these controllers still work.

So, if this works, is it safe to assume that Guitar Hero 2‘s “Gibson SG controller” can be amped into your PS3? Don’t go busting your air guitar just yet. Due to the nature of the guitar-controller’s configuration, it doesn’t have a PlayStation button incorporated in it. It is this button which is required to be pressed every time you insert a PSone or PS2 disc. You might try swapping your controller for the guitar once the game loads, but still, without the analog button, you can’t activate it either.

Our shining ray of hope now lies in two notes: either someone creates some form of adapter that can activate the SG signals into the PS3 or they (meaning RedOctane, any other third-party manufacturer, or Sony themselves) come out with a PS3-specific guitar-controller.

There’s no word yet if anyone is making one. And as of now, there’s not even a single word about someone planning to. May the Lords of Gaming be kind to our guitar-repressed souls…

Guitar Hero II

You might be asking, if PS2 games are compatible with its next-gen brother, does that mean other game-specific peripherals will work as well? IGN was able to crack this jawbreaker of an issue. They were able to test Dual Shock 2 controllers on the PS3 (via USB adapter), and they worked pretty fine. You’d just have to turn on the analog button when you plug it in. Despite missing the SIXAXIS‘ PlayStation button that brings up the XMB, these controllers still work.

So, if this works, is it safe to assume that Guitar Hero 2‘s “Gibson SG controller” can be amped into your PS3? Don’t go busting your air guitar just yet. Due to the nature of the guitar-controller’s configuration, it doesn’t have a PlayStation button incorporated in it. It is this button which is required to be pressed every time you insert a PSone or PS2 disc. You might try swapping your controller for the guitar once the game loads, but still, without the analog button, you can’t activate it either.

Our shining ray of hope now lies in two notes: either someone creates some form of adapter that can activate the SG signals into the PS3 or they (meaning RedOctane, any other third-party manufacturer, or Sony themselves) come out with a PS3-specific guitar-controller.

There’s no word yet if anyone is making one. And as of now, there’s not even a single word about someone planning to. May the Lords of Gaming be kind to our guitar-repressed souls…

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