Category: iPhone

iPhone Homebrew: Caller ID Fix Collection 1.1.4

Frank8’s came out with another update for his Caller ID Fix Collection application. Support for Chile, Morocco, Algeria, Italy, Japan, Sri Lanka, Netherlands Antilles, Serbia,...

iPhone homebrew – MCleaner 1.5.3

MCleaner, a firewall app for the iPhone that lets users block incoming calls and text messages, has been updated to version 1.5.3. Hit the jump...

iPhone Homebrew: SBSettings 0.91b available

SBSettings is said to be a full replacement for the much-beloved toggle switching app, BossPrefs. It will allow users to drop toggles down by swiping...

iPhone homebrew – LockDockBar 0.1

LockDockBar is an iPhone app that lets users launch their Phone, Mail, SMS, and Calendars apps from their lock screen. Find out more in the...

iPhone homebrew – PwnPlayer 0.1b5

iPhone homebrew developer errrick has released an updated version of PwnPlayer, bringing it up to version 0.1 beta 5. In case you haven’t heard of...

iPhone homebrew – iGameboy springboard theme

Here’s a little something for fans of old-school iPhone interfaces. Demonbaby has released an iPhone springboard theme that mimics Nintendo’s Game Boy handheld console. Check...