Category: Off Topic

Game devs: What NOT to do to an MMO

There’s a way to play the game, and there’s a way not to. We’re not just talking about gamers here who dwell by the millions...

Aye, it’s fun being a dwarf in LOTRO

This is quite a sight: Turbine Inc’s latest Beta journal for Lord of the Rings: Shadows of Angmar features two dwarves making a “wild-dash attempt...

Hardware Store: The WoW musical

Ever get an annoyingly catchy song stuck in your head – that one that kept replaying in your mind again and again and again, and...

The LOTRO Beta Journal of the Lore-Master

It would normally be a boring life to be a librarian (unless you’re the librarian from the movie “Tomcats”, but that’s another story). But if...

The story behind storylines in games

There’s a feature on writer Wynne McLaughlin on Austin American-Statesman… What? Who’s McLaughlin? Well, he’s got several screenplays and television scripts to his name. He’s...