Dark AleX releases patch for 8GB memory stick support on any CFW

Dark AleX releases patch for 8GB memmory stick support on any CFW - Image 1For those who want 8GB memory support on their PlayStation Portable but are not yet ready to shift to CFW 3.90, here’s something that will make you happy: Dark AleX has released a new patch that will give you exactly that regardless of what custom firmware you are using.

Download: 8GB memory stick support on any CFW

Dark AleX releases patch for 8GB memmory stick support on any CFW - Image 1One of the better things that CFW 3.90 M33 has to offer is the support for memory sticks bigger than 4GB. However, the most obvious problem here is what about those users who have still not updated to the latest custom firmware.

Homebrew coder extraordinaire Dark AleX is out to solve that exact problem with the release of a new patch. This particular release will give users 8GB memory stick support regardless of what custom firmware they are on. Here are the instructions on how to install itL

  • Copy the patch (attached) to /kd folder
  • Add the following line in all pspbtcnf*.txt file: “/kd/mspatch.prx” after the line “/kd/msstor.prx”

Note that that you are manually dealing with the flash0 of your PlayStation Portable so be sure that you know exactly what you are doing. As an appendix, also note that you’ll need the 1.50 Kernel add-on before you can running this patch, and make sure you don’t forget that, for some firmwares, the /kd folder is named km.

QJ.NET would like to thank Ari Bornstein for the heads up!

Download: 8GB memory stick support on any CFW

Via DCEmu

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