Jack Thompson links Virginia Tech shooting to videogames

photo courtesy of FOXNews - Image 1

First and foremost, we would like to give our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of those 32 people (33 including the gunman) involved in today’s shootout at the Virginia Tech campus. While everyone is still reeling in shock from the events at Norris Hall this morning, we share everyone’s sentiment that it is indeed a horrible tragedy. Already, CNN is even calling it the deadliest shooting in U.S. history.

But why post something that’s not gaming related? Well, we would have wanted to avoid this whole issue altogether, however, someone had apparently brought videogames (something oh so close to all of our hearts) into the picture. Hence, the relevancy to these blogs.

As Kotaku reports, Jack Thompson spoke on FOXNews about the Virgina Tech shooting, saying that the massacre is linked to videogames. Now, we do not know to what extent Jack Thompson said this and we do not know the exact context in which the attorney said this. While it’s pretty hard to form any substantial and unbiased judgment from such a lack of details, CobaltBlue, as a comment to Kotaku’s post, sheds some light on what happened in FOXNews for us:

@possiblymalignant: Fox News Live was calling him a “School Shooting Specialist”, or that’s what he’s calling himself now. All he talked about though was linking video games and “murder simulators” to school shootings. I guess we can look forward to a new Jack Thompson crusade now.

Maybe there is more to Thompson’s statement than just “the Virgina Tech shooting was due to videogames” after all? And we have yet to find an actual video, transcript, or news clipping from FOXNews or any other news source. For now, this is what we have.

Pic courtesy of FOXNews.

Update: We’ve managed to grab the Fox News interview with Jack Thompson over at YouTube which was uploaded by rgbyhkr. Here’s the clip.

photo courtesy of FOXNews - Image 1

First and foremost, we would like to give our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of those 32 people (33 including the gunman) involved in today’s shootout at the Virginia Tech campus. While everyone is still reeling in shock from the events at Norris Hall this morning, we share everyone’s sentiment that it is indeed a horrible tragedy. Already, CNN is even calling it the deadliest shooting in U.S. history.

But why post something that’s not gaming related? Well, we would have wanted to avoid this whole issue altogether, however, someone had apparently brought videogames (something oh so close to all of our hearts) into the picture. Hence, the relevancy to these blogs.

As Kotaku reports, Jack Thompson spoke on FOXNews about the Virgina Tech shooting, saying that the massacre is linked to videogames. Now, we do not know to what extent Jack Thompson said this and we do not know the exact context in which the attorney said this. While it’s pretty hard to form any substantial and unbiased judgment from such a lack of details, CobaltBlue, as a comment to Kotaku’s post, sheds some light on what happened in FOXNews for us:

@possiblymalignant: Fox News Live was calling him a “School Shooting Specialist”, or that’s what he’s calling himself now. All he talked about though was linking video games and “murder simulators” to school shootings. I guess we can look forward to a new Jack Thompson crusade now.

Maybe there is more to Thompson’s statement than just “the Virgina Tech shooting was due to videogames” after all? And we have yet to find an actual video, transcript, or news clipping from FOXNews or any other news source. For now, this is what we have.

Pic courtesy of FOXNews.

Update: We’ve managed to grab the Fox News interview with Jack Thompson over at YouTube which was uploaded by rgbyhkr. Here’s the clip.

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