Namco Bandai thinks Ubisoft’s DRM scheme is “a good strategy”
Ubisoft’s always-on DRM scheme is certainly getting a lot of attention from developers. Blizzard thinks the idea of DRM in general is a waste of time. Namco Bandai, on the other hand, believes Ubisoft’s is a “good strategy” but only because there’s no better alternative yet.
Ubisoft’s always-on DRM scheme is certainly getting a lot of attention from developers. Blizzard thinks the idea of DRM in general is a waste of time. Namco Bandai, on the other hand, believes Ubisoft’s is a “good strategy” but only because there’s no better alternative yet.
“I will be very honest. I think it’s a good [approach] for one reason: I have no alternative today,” said Namco Bandai Partners VP Olivier Comte. “Is the best one? Certainly not but as of today if I can make something else I’ll do it, but it’s better to do something than not do something. At the moment they are doing a good strategy.
Comte conceded however that the industry needs to put a better anti-piracy system in place. For their part, Comte said Namco Bandai is analyzing all of the situations and is keeping an eye on what other companies are doing on the DRM front. The problem is, he also believes that whatever they come up with, it’s just a matter of time until pirates manage to circumvent it.
“I’m convinced that whatever system you put in place you can be sure that two hours before putting it out it’ll be cracked in Russia, he said. “I think that the combat against piracy is very complicated because it’s very complicated to explain to a 12-year-old that drag and dropping a file on a PC is piracy – he was born with this.”
Via [CVG]