New Screens for Pirates of the Burning Sea

PBS 001PBS 002

FlyingLab just continues to tease us with their 18th century pirate game titled Pirates of the Burning Sea. You can assume the role of Captain and take your crew into dangerous quests for treasures. And in the process build a reputation as the baddest of the bad. Take a peek at these screens from the interior of the warehouse to get to know your vessel better. So if you think pirates are cooler than ninjas, then dive in me hearties!

Via mmorpg

PBS 001PBS 002

FlyingLab just continues to tease us with their 18th century pirate game titled Pirates of the Burning Sea. You can assume the role of Captain and take your crew into dangerous quests for treasures. And in the process build a reputation as the baddest of the bad. Take a peek at these screens from the interior of the warehouse to get to know your vessel better. So if you think pirates are cooler than ninjas, then dive in me hearties!

Via mmorpg

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